I just want in to absorb everything you got “o sweetheart of my elder development” into the future. I want what we are all building together. Yayyyy.

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Or, I can state it here, just wasn’t sure if that was appropriate.

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Bonnie, I have a personal question regarding subscription. May I email you or someone directly?

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yes, email me

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He puts the ‘feel’ in fields. ;)

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Listening now. Consistent with my notion of "living centers that grow" like propagating waves

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AT 20:52 he says "the free will decision is not in the cell it's in the field"

That's the same as my Theory of Complex Potential States ... the "state" is is a field of sub-threshold potentials that are "threatening to appear" ... each actual moment is realized by those that breach a threshold of subsistence/existence, but those that are not "chosen" still subsist and play a role in the expression of the real as it anticipates its passing into the next moment of realization (actualization)


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He takes bets!!!

(Makes me cry )

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Good news all around! I really like where you're going. Makes sense in a most creative way.

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If you are open to revisiting/elaborating/expanding material the following early topics would be of great interest to me:

Perception - egocentic and allocentric modes

Affect and emotion


Your phrase: "the psyche is the place the Will goes to die" is mega-relevant! Also in terms of the unecessary creation of psyche content and the escape routes! The reanimation of the Will from weak leftovers.

Written totally without any expectation. Just my wish list.

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I wonder about the request for more specific skills. I think what has been most helpful in the Pop-Up School has been that which helps me shift my thinking… using yours and others experience as the underlying thrust. The paper on “Why Metaphysics Matters”; playing with “Lyric Culture”; playing with the application of the Panarchy Cycle as a model of change. Other specific topics have also helped ie., looking at ‘The Self’… deepening through the material aspects, not totally focused on the developmental & ‘higher’ consciousness, etc. A very rich school!

Today you have mentioned ‘transperspectival’. Checking the meaning, i came across Daniel Schmach… ‘s video. He’s presenting ‘transperspective’ in a very concrete way, which is helpful. However, tho he mentions ‘video as a view which includes time’, he totally glosses over ‘time’. I heard a statement this week about ‘time’ that was simple & helpful: we are ‘swimming in time’ as fish are ‘swimming in water’… totally unconsciously.* When we include time… when we realize and recognize ‘time’ … doesn’t our assessment of reality change dramatically? Doesn’t our ability to be IN our quite dark times become more ‘livable’?

I don’t think it is all about perspective, as Daniel suggests. Ha! And, of course, our ability to understand reality, as ‘time beings’ is also limited. Yes? Which leaves one contemplating that trust & humility must remain the prevailing attitude?

Here i bring forward Gebser’s frame (again)… i agree his work can spur an ‘elitism’, yet isn’t it helpful to know that we are almost exclusively using one ‘structure of consciousness’… thus denying 3/4 of our humanity? Also, reading Gebser is ‘contemplative’ not prescriptive… so requiring a ‘swimming’ in the ‘poetic’ material allowing it to ‘impact’, which seemed to ‘allow’ some shifts in thinking. Perhaps a useful ‘way’ for our times? My sense is that trust can build when we aren’t grasping… needing ‘skills’. Skills will build as our reality shifts. Yes?

Loved (discombobulating tho it was) your ‘State of the Situation’ at the end of Dec. and the 5 sessions on AI. Also, the mighty ‘subjectivity’ of your poetry. I grew up with horses… the image of you sitting with your dying horse’s head in your lap was heart rendering, never to be forgotten.

Thank you.

*Debashish Banerji, key note speaker at 2023 Gebser Conf… a review of 4 Integral thinkers.

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Very helpful, thanks.

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I was thinking that you have a lot of clear accurate sensemaking about a lot of topics. I couldn’t join Jan course, but the AI things that I’m reading from you sound just on point. So a possible direction would be to make that sense making more loud by creating something like an animated videos that explain it more clearly for a wider audience.

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That was exactly one of the ideas I had, too.

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I work in production and would love to be involved

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