Hi Bonnie. If you’re taking suggestions for content to dive more deeply into, the session on values and identity formation has been on my mind, specifically regarding wants and needs. Sandra brought up one of your formulas for power (Power = skills + resources ÷ needs + wants). I would love greater clarification on the distinction between needs and wants, what they are and where they come from. In your Origins of the Self series, you also talked about Will, what I like to sometimes call Divine Will. How is Divine Will distinct from needs and wants? Do they have different biomarkers and origins/positions within the Up Hierarchy or gradient array?

I’ve been contemplating your power equation and the concept of needs. If I sit with it for long enough, I come to this realization that I actually don’t have any true needs. This summer I did a 20 day fast and realized how my body doesn’t need food as much as I think it does (it certainly wants it though!). And if I sit with that for long enough, then I realize that I don’t really need to live either. I have a very strong will and want to live, but it’s not a true need. So I come to this place deep in my core that doesn’t have any needs, and in this place of needless love, what I want is what others want for themselves. I have made myself very unhappy over the years trying to change people to get them to want and do what I want. As an example, for years I wanted my mom to stop drinking, but then I realized it’s what she wants for herself because that’s what she does. When I stopped trying to “fix” her to abide by my wants, I just wanted what she wanted for herself. And if she comes to me for advice or my opinion (which she rarely does), I know that I can maintain my integrity and tell her with heart and conviction what I see. There’s no need to lie to her or myself. So in this equation, only when I am very still and clear, what remains are no true needs and wanting only what is/others just as they are. It’s a rare state for me and also not impossible.

That’s what has been on my mind: needs, wants, and will; and the possibility of a collective inquiry on these topics.

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These are grrrreeeat! I was going to ask for suggestions. AND ... I was going to do the values thing after this stratified reality bit. So thank you so very much. ....

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Also - I just did an interview with Tom Amarque about his book on Will. I will put out a series first showing his cognitive widget, and then unpack "will" in its various interpretations. That's going to be a deep dive for sure.

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