Outstanding. I am sharing it widely and am looking forward to engaging more. For now, I wanted to express my gratitude by sharing this gem from "playing for change" and suggest that soul shine might be an instantiation of casual wid. 💛
In my cohousing community we regularly have to "parent in public." Some days the toddlers come home from preschool sobbing and wailing with their weary parents in tow, and the whole neighborhood is reminded of themselves at that age because of the pedestrian oriented design of the village. In community we are forced to "normalize tantrums." It has the curious effect of taking their power away, and lessening the grip of the 'tantrums' we continue to experience as half-baked adults.
Outstanding. I am sharing it widely and am looking forward to engaging more. For now, I wanted to express my gratitude by sharing this gem from "playing for change" and suggest that soul shine might be an instantiation of casual wid. 💛
In my cohousing community we regularly have to "parent in public." Some days the toddlers come home from preschool sobbing and wailing with their weary parents in tow, and the whole neighborhood is reminded of themselves at that age because of the pedestrian oriented design of the village. In community we are forced to "normalize tantrums." It has the curious effect of taking their power away, and lessening the grip of the 'tantrums' we continue to experience as half-baked adults.