Dear Friends of the POP-UP School,
I am just now winding down our first retreat, with visitors still in the studio, and friends coming over for a final celebration. The theme of the June retreat was Recognizing Your Natural State, and I believe that through music and dance, dialogue, cooking and eating meals together, creating, choreographing and performing a brand new Qigong form called Windhorse Riders (ever to be etched in the history book as part of Lyric Culture) … during the 4-postures meditation, (remember: soften, widen, do not chase) we experienced something truly magical as the rain breathed itself into our being, and rhythmically sang to our souls … we practiced many times over movement exercises for left-right brain integration, (with special thanks to Aaron) … and we tasted receptive awareness and occasionally dropped into authentic open dialogue practice. In the evenings, we held the No Soap Radio Show — a curious name for the 2-hour session, attended by all, on our new metaphysics of God, which was a mixture of metaphysics, comedy and insight practice, and ended each day with dancing along with the rhythms and song of The No Shame No Blame Band ….
We wish you were there.
The June retreat was based on left-brain — right brain integration and insight — getting glimpses of our natural state. The upcoming August retreat will focus on Cultivating Your Natural State, which entails a more focused practice that shifts ordinary perception to first, a state of receptive awareness, and then, to the state of open awareness. Movement and dialogue practices will prepare us to transition to new states of awareness. Nature will be our setting, but most significantly, she will be our guide. Several of the June participants will also be attending the August retreat, and just as our POP-UP course sessions build on themselves as we go through the month, the capacity we developed in the June retreat will catalyze a greater potential for transformative change in the August retreat.
We hope you will be there.
There are a few spots left for August. Come join us.
I wish I was there. I wish I could be there.