Because you asked… Here are some details on the AI Crash Course that starts this Saturday (for paid subscribers)…
New forms of being and meaning
Saturday January 11th, 12 noon - 2pm (eastern)
AI as a new type of agency
A room with two people in it is not the same as a room with two people in it and a gun on the table. What kind of agency does the gun have?
AI as a new type of identity
Humans as inforgs and interfaces
AI as a new type of power asymmetry
Controlled chaos
What it is and what it isn’t
Tuesday, January 14th, 2pm - 4pm (eastern)
Neural networks and machine “learning”
Error backpropagation
Black Box Theory vs Science
AI doesn’t solve problems in science, it circumvents them
Mechanistic interpretation, prediction and explanatory models
Subject AI to the scientific method
Ethics, governance & human dignity
Thursday, January 16th, 4pm - 6pm (eastern)
Geopolitics & AI Dominance
Homo: Faber, Sapiens, Ludens, Poieticus & Proximus
Stealth Democracies
Geopolitics & AI Dominance
Saturday, January 18th, 12 noon - 2pm (eastern)
Politics, Security & Human Values
Prosperity & Planetary Control
Strategy & AI Dominance
Language, Weaponized
Wednesday, January 22nd, 2pm -4pm (eastern)
Evil outcomes without evil intentions
Genesis, Genesis, Genesis
Hope to see you in class. Use the link below to join any session (paid subscribers only)